Traditional Publishers Have Let Me Down For The Last Time… Tom Douglas
Traditional publishing? Been there, done that, got the heartache!
I started my book publishing career a dozen years ago at, which is not a traditional publisher. So successful was Some Sunny Day – an account of family life when my father returned from overseas after the Second World War – that it led to a multi-book contract with a traditional publisher.
And, that’s where the heartache began…
Read the article (and many more) here…
And another one…
DO THEY WANT MY BOOK TO FAIL?! When Traditional Publishers Treat New Authors Like (Bleep) By Anonymous
As I look back, I am stunned that the ignorant inquiries I made to my traditional publisher and literary agent did not create waves of guffaws and rollicking cackles. Upon the release of my first book by a traditional publisher, during a conference call, I queried the publisher and her henchmen about their promotional plans. Would there be some sort of tour maybe? A round of book signings in a few large cities perhaps? A few flights and hotel stays, at the publisher’s expense, of course, in the pursuit of boosting book sales? Silly me. The nerve! A publisher spending money promoting a new author’s book? Ha! Now that I recall the episode, perhaps they reveled in a rousing round of derision and ribaldry at my expense.
Read the article here…
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